this one is for you my macchiato...

Love Love Love

by dreams come true

Nee doushite
Suggoku sugoku suki na koto
Tada tsutaetai dake na no ni
Ru ru ru ru ru
Umaku ienain darou
Nee semete
Yume de aitai to negau
Yoru ni nemutte ichido mo
Ru ru ru ru ru
Dete kite wa kurenai ne
Nee doushite
Sugoku ai shiteru hito ni
Ai shiteru to iu dake de
Ru ru ru ru ru
Namida ga dechaun darou
Futari deatta hi ga
Sukoshi zutsu
Omoide ni natte mo
Ai shiteru ai shiteru
Ru ru ru ru ru
Nee doushite
Namida ga dechaun darou
Namida ga dechaun darou Why is it
That when I just want to say
How much I really, really like something
It just won't come out right?
When I pray
That I'll see you in my dreams
Just that night
You don't appear even once
Why is it
That when I just want to tell someone I really love
How much I love him
I start crying?
Even though the day we met
Is little by little becoming a memory
I love you, I love you
Why is it that I cry?
That I cry?
Love love
Ai wo sakebou ai wo yobou
Love love
Ai wo sakebou ai wo yobou

taken from http://www.animelyrics.com/jpop/dreamscometrue/lovelovelove.htm

Obligasi Retail Negara Indonesia
mencuri waktu di dalam ke(tidak begitu)sibukkan...

Mulai dari beberapa minggu yang lalu, kantor gue ketiban rejeki!! Kepilih jadi agen penjual produk obligasi retail pertama di Indonesia. Well, kalo udah berhubungan dengan "berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan" alias setor muka ke DepKeu dan BI tentang ke-eksisannya sih...kantor gue emang jagonya...So, COngrats to my beloved company...u got the job!!!

Nah, kemenangan kantor gue itu, ternyata berdampak buruk bagi well, who else??, GUE dan seluruh temen temen buruh (jangan marah dibilang buruh, karena selama bukan owner, we'll be -worker-) lainnya... dari front office sampe back office dapet target jualan....anak- debt sales dapet target 230 Milyar huahuahauhahauah, tempat gue yang gak punya client base dan berpersonel 5 ekor punya target 80 Milyar, even HRD dapet target 10 Milyar...insane isn't it?!?!

so any how, sorry if i wont be around until july 28th becoz i have to do something to achieve those targets hehehehehee...

So here are some tips from an amateur sales named MANDA Bee...
1. Make sure u really know the product...kelebihan dan kekurangannya
2. cobalah untuk menyukai produknya, soalnya kalo udah gak demen, gimana mau ngejualinnya???
3. ciptakan mind set untuk prospective client sehingga if u were in in their shoes, you'll buy the product
4. aim high, shoot the moon, if you don't succeed at least you'll be among the stars
5. Senyum!! selain sedekah, senyum itu membuka banyak banget pintu -termasuk pintu keluar hihihihi
6. think positive!
7. jangan takut nyoba, resikonya cuma ditolak heheheheeh
8. NEVER jelekin produk orang laen
9. JANGAN NGIBUL!! tanda orang asik....
10. selalu wangi (tapi gak over)
11. bikin suasana seperti kita lagi ngasih pertolongan bukannya nawarin produk hehehe

yaa itu semua dengan disclaimer: tergantung dengan do'a ama ridho ALlah SWT

yaa selamat jualan!!!!
