Second Chance
"everybody deserve a second chance.."

Kayaknya kalimatnya really famous around our love life ya...ada yang setuju, ada juga yang bilang "pacaran sama orang yang sama untuk kedua kali??!! kayak gak ada laki laen apah??!"

Well, anyway...second chance datang buat gue beberapa waktu yang lalu... mungkin this second chance was especially made for me not for him...

Gue pacaran for 2 years with this guy...broke up for a blurred reason. However, until 2004 - gue putus sama dia taun 1997- well actually selama 7 taun gue punya keyakinan kalo Dia is my truly first love and I thought breaking up decision had broke my heart -padahal yang mutusin juga gua-

kalo lagu yang paling pas untuk gambarin perasaan gue itu lagunya whitney Houston "why does it hurts so bad?" hihihi
ok enough for the crap..

then that moment came along, the moment where finally gue bisa get that second chance untuk "fix everything that went wrong..."
abis beberapa bulan gue convince my self this time is for real, this is for the sake of the present time not the long lost memory of him dirt..., beberapa bulan yang penuh deg degan (lagi) hatsu kissu (lagi) surat suratan (lagi)...gue berhasil ngerasa kalau well this things go too far and gue rasa dia ngerasa hal yang sama...finally We broke up (again...) hehehe -tapi yaaa sempet nangis nangisan segala seeh-

But then i learnt one thing...mungkin second chance itu untuk memperbaiki masa lalu...
tapi mungkin juga...second chance itu datang untuk kita so that we can actually say a proper "Goodbye..."


ps: 7 years i waste to think that AM is for real, but now i found PM is better...


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